Taxation and Financial Crimes

The Taxation and Financial Crimes Unit (TFCU) of NPA is in charge of prosecutions with regard to white-collar and other general commercial crimes, as well as corruption and drugs cases. Prosecutors in the TFCU also advise on cases investigated by the Anti- Corruption Commission (ACC) for suitability for prosecution.

The duties of prosecutors of the TFCU include:

    1. evaluating evidence disclosed during the course of investigations carried out by enforcement agencies, such as the Drug Enforcement Commission, Zambia Police Service – Anti Frauds Unit.;

    1. rendering legal advice to these enforcement agencies;

    1. where necessary, directing further investigations to be carried out.

 With an organized approach to the prosecution of serious economic and financial crimes including tax evasion, it is hoped that the NPA can contribute to developing a Zambia that is prosperous and economically independent. Economic growth will inevitably translate to a better standard of living for every Zambian citizen.

Due to the trans-jurisdictional nature of economic crimes and the advent of cybercrime the unit also offers assistance and guidance to law enforcement agencies on issues of Mutual Legal Assistance. This involves engaging foreign governments in order to facilitate investigations and the gathering of evidence for use in the Courts of the Law of Zambia.

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“He who helps the guilty, shares the crime..”