Gender Based Crimes

The Gender Based Crimes Unit is in charge of prosecuting all offences related to Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases. GBV means any physical, mental, social or economic abuse against a person because of that persons gender and includes violence that results in , or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm, or suffering to a person including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether occurring in public or private life. It also includes actual or threatened physical, mental, social or economic abuse that occurs in a domestic relationship.
Gender Based Violence encompasses a number of offences and these include:

  1. Rape Property grabbing
  2. Defilement Use of abusive, derogatory or demeaning language
  3. Indecent Assault
  4. Incest Trafficking of persons
  5. Assaults Threatening Violence
  6. Harmful Cultural Practices Failing to provide Necessaries

The duties of the GBCU prosecutors encompass the following;

1). prosecuting all GBV related cases.
2). providing professional guidance to law enforcement agencies
3). rendering legal opinions to the Director of Public Prosecutions in relation to GBV cases.
4). Carrying out sensitization programmes, trainings and workshops for law enforcement agencies and the Public.

A victim of GBV may seek help from the Police, Department of Social Welfare as well as many civil organizations such as the Young Women Christian Association who may provide places of safety to protect the victim from further abuse. The One Stop Centers located in the major government hospitals provide other support services such as counselling and the provision of legal advice
In line with the NPA’s mission statement which is to provide an effective and efficient prosecution service to the public in an accountable and transparent manner in order to uphold the rule of law and human rights, the NPA will ensure that it treats.

Get in touch with the department

Mrs. Chali Mbewe Hambayi – Head of Department

“He who helps the guilty, shares the crime..”