Conviction Update
The People V Emmanuel MoongaCase overviewEmmanuel Moonga was charged with Assault Occasioning Actual Bod ily Harm. He was accused of assaulting his then wife on 24th December, 2023 in Kafue District.On the day in question, he had gone to Zambia Compound to pick up his niece and daughter whom he had earlier taken to the hair salon. He proceeded to Choppies Supermarket where he picked his wife and went home. After they reached home, a quarrel ensued between the convict and his wife. He beat his wife using fists and kicks and as a result she sustained bruises on the neck, head, face and general body pains and became unconscious until on 25th December, 2024 when she regained consciousness at Kafue General Hospital.Legal proceedingsHe pleaded not guilty before Hon Mwaba on 14th March, 2024 in the subordinate court at Kafue.