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NPA’s gender based crime department and the paralegal alliance join hands in victim protection

The NPA and Paralegal Alliance Network (PAN) hosted a successful roundtable discussion on GBV case management and protection orders. The meeting highlighted the critical role of paralegals in supporting survivors by bridging the gap between themselves and prosecutors and ensuring access to justice. Paralegals from around Lusaka attended this milestone meeting. The agenda was dominated by the key issue of Restraining/Protection Orders and how the cooperation could be enhanced to ensure that more was done to ensure victims have access to these remedies. NPA and PAN remain confident that through collaboration, the fight against GBV can be won.

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SAHOP: Strengthening Regional Cooperation in Southern Africa’s Criminal Justice Systems

Established in the year 2023, the Southern Africa Heads of Prosecution (SAHOP) Forum, was formed with the aim of enhancing regional cooperation among the prosecution agencies in Southern Africa. This forum comprises Directors of Public Prosecutions (DPPs) and Prosecutor Generals from 15 countries in Southern Africa, all united by a common mission: to strengthen criminal justice systems, improve prosecution efficiency, and effectively combat transnational crime. The creation of SAHOP responds to the growing need for a coordinated regional effort in tackling critical issues such as corruption, organised crime, and illicit financial flows, which threaten the stability and development of the region. Since its inception, SAHOP has primarily convened through virtual platforms, allowing its members to engage and collaborate despite geographic distances. This model of virtual meetings has provided a foundation for sharing vital information and exchanging best practices among prosecution

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Did You Know?Globally, nearly 1 in 3 women, out of an estimated 736 million, have experienced physical or sexual violence at least once in their lives. Even more alarming, 55% of all female homicides are committed by intimate partners or family members, making the home the most dangerous place for many women. Ending Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is Everyone’s Responsibility.We therefore call on men and boys as well to take a stand. Lead by example, challenge harmful norms, respect women, and oppose violence in all its forms. True strength lies in fostering a culture of equality, respect, and safety for all Why does Gender Equality Matter-Empowering women and girls strengthens communities. When they thrive, everyone benefits. Ensuring their safety and providing them with opportunities is an investment in a stronger, brighter future for Zambia What Can You Do to Join the

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Team Western Province NPA collaborates with Ministry of Community Development and Social Services to sensitize the Limulunga community on speaking out against GBV

We are reminded that Silence fuels abuse. It’s time to speak up, take action, and stand with victims! Every voice matters in the fight against Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Together, we can create a world where survivors are heard, supported, and empowered. GBV is not a family or internal issue—it’s a community problem that demands a community solution. When one person suffers, the whole society feels the ripple effects. How can you play your part? If you or someone you know is experiencing violence, report it now:Zambia Police (Toll-Free): 991Lifeline Childline Zambia (Toll-Free): 116 We all have a role to play. Let’s work together for a Zambia free of violence and full of hope. Speak out. Stand up. Let’s end GBV! JoinTheFight#OrangeTheWorld#StopGenderBasedViolence #ActivismForChange #BreakTheSilence#EndGBV prosectorsnactivists#NPA

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16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

As we approach 30 years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was promulgated, we are reminded of our overarching duty both as the National Prosecution Authority as well as Activists in the fight against Gender Based Violence. As such, the National Prosecution Authority of Zambia reaffirms its unwavering commitment to ending violence against women and girls. We, as an institution are dedicated to fostering equity,inclusivity and respect internally as we provide and strive for a healthy and sexist free work environment. We also strive to provide a victim centred and trauma informed Prosecution service to all victims of GBV, our goal is to hold perpetrators accountable and deter would be offenders, penultimately delivering justice for all. As we join the global movement of 16 days of activism against GBV, you are all reminded that the fight against GBV

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NPA Secures Conviction in High-Profile Financial Crimes Case

The National Prosecution Authority (NPA) has successfully prosecuted Lewis Chisenga, the Director of People’s Harvest Limited, for theft, money laundering, and possession of suspected proceeds of crime. The conviction marks a significant step in Zambia’s ongoing efforts to combat financial crime and strengthen accountability within the country’s business and financial sectors. On May 23, 2022, Chisenga was arrested and charged with three offences following allegations of stealing K4,775,000 from Petricore Partners Limited, a UK-based company. The stolen funds were entrusted to him for the purchase of United States dollars amidst a currency shortage in Zambia. Additionally, he faced charges for money laundering and for possessing assets believed to be proceeds of crime, including luxury vehicles and real estate. The case unfolded after a complaint was filed by Ysakar Legal Practitioners on behalf of Petricore Partners Limited. The company had transferred

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ZICTA and ITU collaborate to train 50 prosecutors in cyber security and electronic evidence

The Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA), in partnership with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a United Nations organization, launched a two-day in-service training program for prosecutors on 19th November 2024 in Lusaka.  During the opening ceremony, Minister of Technology, Honorable Felix Mutati, through Director of Communications Mr. Milner Makuni, emphasized the rapid pace of technological advancements and the importance of equipping prosecutors with skills to keep up with these changes. ITU representative Anne Ssembonga and ZICTA Acting Director-General Eng. Collins Mbulo reiterated the need for prosecutors to enhance their understanding of digital evidence and develop the legal expertise to analyze and argue cases involving electronic data.  Representing the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Chief State Advocate Ms. Nkumbiza Mumba highlighted the critical role of prosecutors in staying ahead of cybercriminals. She pointed out how digital technology is being

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Zambia leads discussions at SADC GBV prosecutors’ training in Johannesburg

A delegation from Zambia’s National Prosecution Authority is currently in South Africa for a three-day SADC Trainers of Trainers (TOT) Meeting. The event focuses on the application of the SADC Handbook for Prosecutors on the Management of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and is being held at the Holiday Inn in Johannesburg. The meeting brings together representatives from 14 SADC member states, including Angola, Mozambique, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mauritius, Madagascar, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, Botswana, Seychelles, Namibia, and Zambia. The Zambian delegation is led by Mrs. Chali Mbewe – Hambayi, Deputy Chief State Advocate in charge of the Gender-Based Violence Crimes Department. She is accompanied by Sikute Elizabeth Muliokela, Senior Public Prosecutor; Joe Phiri, Senior Public Prosecutor; and Grace Katoka Muhumpu, Senior Public Prosecutor. Zambia has been given the rare opportunity to facilitate at this training, which facilitation will be conducted by

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DPP tours Central Province

DPP is on a tour of Central Province. During the tour, he is interacting with key stakeholders in the criminal justice dispensation system including the courts and the Zambia Correctional Service. The tour is aimed at, among other things, identifying clogs in the criminal justice system. In these interactions, DPP has made it abundantly clear that NPA has taken an uncompromising stance on integrity and that NPA staff who will compromise this sacrosanct value will be dealt with sternly within due process. To this end NPA has even put in place an Integrity Committee….something like that mwe

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President HH to increase support for the fight against gender based violence

President Hakainde Hichilema has reaffirmed his commitment to tackling Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Zambia, pledging enhanced government support during a meeting at State House yesterday, 14th November, 2024, with the National Gender Machinery, a consortium of Government agencies, NGOs and other stake holders dedicated to ending GBV. Mrs. C. Mbewe Hambayi, the Deputy Chief State Advocate in charge of Gender-Based Crimes, highlighted the National Prosecution Authority’s (NPA) progress in fighting gender based violence particularly the establishment of the specialized department and the quick turnover of cases in court. She also outlined the vision of the NPA to increase support services for victims through friendly court preparation rooms and recruiting additional Witness Officers. The DCSA explained that the capacity building is ongoing for all prosecutors through continuous trainings and capacity building. Some of the challenges highlighted included the lack of resources

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