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The brief interlude ended at the break of day two of the National Annual Prosecutor’s Conference, with delegates refreshed and rejuvenated, clearly building on the energy and insights from Day One’s sessions. Today’s agenda promised to be just as engaging and delivered accordingly as the following presentations were made:

1. Building Public Trust and Confidence through effective communication.

2. Innovation in the field of anti-corruption-New approaches to an old problem.

3. Taking profits out of crime accelerating the effective implementation of anti- money laundering laws and countering the financing of terrorism globally.

4. Combating human trafficking challenges and opportunities for third world countries.

5. Victim Impact Statements: Promotion of Justice in Criminal Cases.

6. ⁠Enforcing the law: A frontline approach to combat environmental crime, smuggling and wildlife crime; and

7. Implementation of the Children’s Code Act- Findings of the Child Justice Survey of 2024.

The afternoon proved to be just as captivating, with insightful discussions, expert perspectives, and valuable networking opportunities in abundance. Stay engaged and make the most of this exceptional conference!

#ProsecutorsConference #Justice #Accountability

Who we are

The National Prosecution Authority is a statutory body established by the National Prosecution Authority act No. 34 of 2010 with a mandate of instituting criminal proceedings on behalf of the state.

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